
Do you need some NLP?

Are you "drowning" in information? Could you benefit from tools which will help make sense of it all? Are you throwing away business intelligence -- or valuable business opportunities -- because they're locked up in documents you'll never be able to read?

If so, we think you could use some NLP. For more than 10 years, Language Computer has been providing customers in Government, National Defense, and commercial environments with the high-performance text processing solutions they need to unlock value from collections of unstructured text in any domain.


LCC's Competitive Advantage

Language Computer provides our partners with a number of advantages, including:

Easily Deployable Products

We want to make NLP work for your application's particular information needs. Need something that's more than what you can get "out of the box"? LCC can work with your organization to create a customized NLP solution tailored specifically for your software product, search engine, or application domain. Have an innovative idea that could benefit from NLP? We encourage application developers to leverage LCC's OpenCicero open integration framework in order to easily integrate any of LCC's annotation, extraction, or search components into their SOA software application.

An Unbeatable Performance Profile

Designed with the operational user in mind, LCC's products are designed to provide state-of-the-art performance even when running on standard hardware. Want to throw more hardware at the problem? Many of LCC's most computationally-intensive products (such as IndexManager or CiceroCustom can distribute their processing load over clusters of networked machines.

Fully Customizable, Open-Domain Software

At LCC, we understand that your information needs are like no one else's.  With LCC's CiceroCustom family of customizable information extraction products, you can create accurate entity, attribute, relationship, or event extractors in a matter of minutes which go out and get the information that you need most.

More Languages, Better Cross-lingual Support

Need support for a language other than English? LCC's products are available in a wide range of languages, ranging from European languages (Spanish, German) to Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, and Korean. LCC also provides access to cross-lingual information retrieval capabilities which will allow your customers to search foreign language documents in the language that they feel most comfortable.


Partner Opportunities

Language Computer is looking to form OEM partnerships with companies who develop software applications which manage, search, or exploit large collections of unstructured text.

We have recently partnered with companies working in the following areas:

  • Online and Enterprise Search
  • Information Visualization
  • Information Analysis
  • Machine Translation
  • Market Research and Business Intelligence Provisioning
  • Parallel and Distributed Computing
  • Customer Support and Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

LCC has more than 10 years of experience in integrating state-of-the-art NLP systems into a wide range of commercial and operational environments. We know that successful technology integration takes more than great products: we take pride in knowing that we provide our partners with top-notch support at every stage of their integration process.

New OEM partners can expect to take delivery of software within 2-3 weeks of signing a partnership agreement with LCC. Need an "off-the-shelf" component? LCC's OpenCicero integration framework makes it easy to create new applications from existing modules. Need something special? LCC is willing to work together with your development team in order to customize any of our existing modules in order to provide you with the level of performance your app needs.

For More Information

To learn more about how your organization can benefit from partnering with Language Computer, please contact us via or at (972) 231-0052.