Making Sense of Unstructured Text

Language Computer Corporation (LCC) is a privately-owned U.S. company committed to the development of next-generation natural language processing technologies.

Since our founding in 1995, we've provided our customers with intelligent, semantically-informed search and discovery software tools which unlock value by actually understanding the information stored in any large collections of text.

Our Technologies

Language Computer has remained at the forefront of work in natural language processing for more than 10 years, having created state-of-the-art systems for:

Our products have received top marks at more than 20 different U.S. Government and community-wide evaluations, including TREC, DUC, and ACE.

Product Spotlights

Language Computer offers a complete line of interoperable text processing, semantic search, and knowledge acquisition products, including:


Wide-Coverage Named Entity Recognition for English, Arabic, Chinese, and more.


Open-domain information extraction for your custom information needs.


Precise automatic question- answering that learns what users want to know.

Recent Updates

TAC KBP 2014 [More]


LREC-2014 [More]